Welcome Osman Proper's Blog

This blog is meant to answer questions, keep readers up to date on new and upcoming stories, as well as allow me the opportunity to interact with my readers.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to post them or email me directly at osproper@gmail.com.

Veil Outtakes and Extras

Writers shouldn't have a favorite story, but the Veil series is as close to one as I'll probably ever get.  Because of that, I'll always run over my word count, there will always be little side stories and snipets to share with you.  If you're reading Prin, you''re a fan.  And I want to make sure you get as much of her acerbic humor as often as possible.  With that being said, this is where all that extra content will be housed/uploaded/linked or whatever.

Touch the Veil
Outtake #1
Roughly six pages of content from book one, when Prin goes to deal with Sharp's peanut farm.  In the book, I have to gloss over it, so Prin just comes home after the job is finished.  Here, I can give it to you without worrying about word count or bogging down the overall story arc.


Outtake #2
What happened to the club hopper that felt Prin up at All the Rage?  This outtake will be coming soon.

Link to Prin's Q&A

(Still deciding whether or not to add this stuff.  Guess we will see.  Keep checking.)

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